There are two kinds of acts in the world

Some knowledge sticks with you. For me, the simplicity of what Dr. Renato Almanzor taught me when I was a part of LeaderSpring is a life lesson I have carried with me for years. You ready for it?

There are two kinds of acts in the world:

  • Acts of Love

  • Calls for Love

Think about it. Notice it within yourself, others, and you’ll begin to see how this perspective can be life changing for how you approach others and understand your own actions.

Acts of Love. It is an action that exudes an expansive warmth. If you’ve felt it, you’ve known it. You operate from the heart, your ego is at bay and equanimity is at play in a peaceful way. It’s a path I aim to operate from more and more, so if I want to center myself toward this behavior, here’s what I ask myself:

  • How can I respond from a place of love?

  • What is the most affirming, solidarity growing, loveliness I can grow?

And if I do something that isn’t settling well in me (I keep thinking about it or am unsure what happened or why I did something) I ask myself:

  • What was the force I felt pushing me in this direction? For me, Acts of Love feel light and expansive, so often times if I’m still thinking about something - it could have been a Call for Love, and my Act of Love is to honor that part of me.

  • Can I allow love to guide me in a nourishing way?

Calls for Love. Is an action that is a longing for something more divine. It can be destructive, hurtful, aggressive, absent, or needy. It’s full of wants and desires that are centered on self. It’s a path I am not always comfortable with when I see it in myself. Part of that is because it is not easy to admit that I, too, need love. It can be softening when I recognize in others - it’s the undercurrent that comes into view allowing me to tread differently and realize that it’s not all about me - there is something else going on that I might not be aware of and is looking for love.

How do I recognize this call for love in myself?

  • It’s when I notice myself withdraw, give up, or care less so I’m not hurt.

  • It can also be when I am utterly in anguish or anger about an incident.

What do I do when I am acting from a place that is calling for love?

  • I remind myself, it is natural and healthy for me to call for love.

  • I practice doing the things that fill my cup - what brings me joy and connection.

  • I spend time or get advice from people I love and whom I know love me.

  • I breathe, slow down, and do one of the many practices I learned to bring me to the present moment. Writing, meditation, art, walking, and asking for more care from my dear ones.

How do I recognize this call for love in others?

  • I remind myself we never know the extent of what someone is going through.

  • I ask myself, are they coming from a place of love - if not, it’s a call for love.

What do I do when others are acting from a place that is calling for love?

  • I recalibrate and remind myself that this is more about them than me.

  • I remind myself that kindness - a dose of love - may go a long way.

  • I reinforce their right to feel safe and loved.

  • I let go of my ability to fully resolve their pain and work to Act in Love.

I like to believe this can be a way for us to increase the currency of love, for ourselves and others. It’s helped me through some tough moments and I hope it helps you


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